Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Foundation Protfolio - Preliminary Task

To start the task we had to apply the media concept LIIAR - Language, Institution, Ideology, Audience and Representation, to the task of creating a college magazine front cover and contents page.

L - Language
The language refers to the text and images included in the layout and design of the magazine. It also refers to the language of the textand whether it is formal or informal depending on the audience the magazine is aimed at. This means that as my magazine is a college magazine aimed at students, the language will be informal to appeal to the audience

I - Institution
The institution of the magazine is the developer/producer of the magazine. The college will be the institution of the college magazine.

I - Ideology
The ideology is the ideas and aims shown in the magazine. The ideology of the college magazine will be positive connotations on the college who is producing the magazine. It will probably be aims and ideas of exams, revision, events and outstanding students from the college.

A - Audience
The audience is who the magazine isaimed at. The college magazine is aimed at students so they are the main audience of this magazine. The magazine will be adapted to suit the audience and so the magazine will appeal more to students.

R - Representation
The representaion of the magazine will be shown through text and images. The representation that will be shown will be based on the college who is producing the magazine.

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