Sunday, 26 October 2008


Last lesson, I drew up a basic plan for my front cover and contents page to give me some ideas on what to put on it and how to fill out the initial layout.

Front Page

This draft is just representing a basic layout plan for my front page so I can wor out what images need to be taken and how much text space I can use. It is also a plan for the different conventions that I need to use in my magazine.
It is a general idea of where I want to place all the content so I have an idea of what I want on my front cover.
I have followed the basic conventions of a magazine front cover which I found out with the research on magazine front covers conducted in an earlier post to use as a baseline for my own front cover.
The basic layout will probably change depending on the images and text I use for the front cover and contents page. The colours I use will also depend on the image and text.
Contents Page
This, again, is a basic layout plan but for my contents page so I know which conventions to feature and where. It also gives me an idea of how much space I have on the contents page.

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