Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Magazine Article

On the double page spread of my music magazine there needs to be an article of the band or musician who is featured on the front page.

The article I write needs to have the following conventions;
Headline - To indicate what or who the article is about
Lead - Establishes the subject, sets the tone and guides the reader into the article in the form of a quote from the interviewee, an anecdote, a question, a comaparison or a shocking statement.
These are some examples of conventions of a magazine double page spread. I will also need to follow some of the other conventions of a magazine double page spread such as a main image, columned text, and suitable graphics or other images linked with the text.
Drop Letter - Many articles start with a drop letter which is a form of graphology used in texts. A drop letter is where the first letter of the main body of the text is enlarged and sometimes a different font style or colour to the rest of the text. The drop letter is slightly lower than the rest of the word and may be dropped down a few lines.
Main Image - The main image may fill one side of the double page spread and overlap the fold of the magazine. A small quote can be put on the image. The image would be related to the article and may relate to other images included on the double page spread or in the text.

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